Wednesday 13 February 2013

 I must say after reading the reviews on the internet I did my best to avoid the book. When a friend finally made sure that I have it in my hand, I knew I had to face my fears and read it. The book is such an easy intimate read; she takes you through her journey of life. You get to experience her pain, heartache, anger, fear, anxiety, loneliness and also share in her bravery, courage, her honesty is refreshing. When you read the book it’s like you can touch her emotions. It is about her battle with depression and being in the sport light, how it nearly robbed her of true joy. I actually twitted to her after reading and said she is to the black woman what Peter was to the early church. (Depressions is viewed as a “white people‘s” condition) Peter was the first to raise his voice on Acts 1:14:39 and preach at Pentecost when the church came to be. By sharing her story and living no stone unturned she has given clinical depression a brand new face and voice, one which a lot of us can relate to and connect with. She has given me hope and for that I can recommend this book to anyone.

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