Sunday, 1 January 2012


I am very talkative. I share what is on my mind with anyone, I am very free and no secrets. Ask anyone who is close to me or who calls themselves my friend. The upside about my character is that I have no skeletons in the closet, or if I have and they should come out they would not shock, embarrass or make me what to be swallow up by a Tsunami. The downside is that sometime when my plans do not materialize, I go through a down ward spiral. I can feel my energy and moral going down like in that video of Mary J Blidge’s song I am going down.  I want to just close my door and not wake up for a few days. You know having a big mouth I know very well that when someone ask me about progress or results of my much published plans I will just shoot and talk about my disappoints or my plan b and c. 

On a serious note it the beginning of the year,  the previous year I  had so many plans, some have materialized, some I have failed and some have been delayed because of circumstances beyond my control. As I sit here and blog I realize that I have two choices to beat myself up about what I have not achieved and were I went wrong and promise myself that I must just give up on my dreams and plans since the pain, humiliation and embarrassment  of not reaching them or failing is unbearable. That is I organize and attends my own pity party. 

Just when I was about to start it just dawn on me that even though I am wishing that those close to me will not ask about the progress or outcome of my so called plans in case I die of humiliation and embarrassment, I decided to just look around at what is going on in our world, the truth is people forget very easily, just think about it a few months ago the sex tape of the two officials(the correctional officer and the police woman) were on everyone’s lips, and I am sure just like me, you  thought OMG will this woman ever be able to show her face in public? I bet you she has moved on with her life and the country has moved on, it is distance memory now.  Who can forget about Bafana Bafana’s embarrassing victory dance and they had not qualified for the African Cup of Nation 2012, we all thought how can they be so stupid?, let us be honest the country has moved on.  Just when we thought things were slowing down then 23 years old drug mule from Eastern Cape is arrested in Thailand transporting drugs, she sent shock waves across the country and got everyone talking, need I mention the social media buzz about this deed? Talk about humiliation on a national scale. Let us face it the country seems to have forgotten about the ordeal and went on with the festive celebration. So what is the fuss about, people forget about things and they move on.  The truth is the world is forgiving and we are the ones who choose to keep the experience alive in our mind. We choose to fertilize it, water it and visit the garden of our failure and have picnics there while we drink from the well of self pity.  We like to sit there and go over what we could or should have done, if only I could go back. News flash you have no influence over your past! There is absolutely nothing you can do to change it.

 My second option develop a frivolous attitude, but in the same line look at my success and achievements, no matter how little they are and congratulate myself for a job well-done. Go back to the drawing board and learn from my mistake, but have a short memory for my failures and move on. I believe that every failure or delay if embraced properly will reveal itself to you as a necessary step towards purpose and destiny.  In the words of T.D Jakes, “The saddest scenario I can imagine would be to face death’s rattling call and wonder what would have happened if I had tried harder. It would be terrible to look back over your life and see that the many times you thought your request was denied, it was actually only delayed. Life will always present broken places, places of struggle and conflict. If you have a divine purpose and life has put you on hold, hang on! Stay on the line until life gets back to you. If you believe as I do, then it’s worth the wait or a try to achieve your dreams.  Raise your glass and welcome 2012.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this profound message with me. I have no doubt that an angel was sent in a form of Rhudzani, to share this wonderful prophecy with me. In the midst of New Years celebrations I found my myself stuck in a gutter of self blame and pity. Thank you for reminding me of the Universe's forgiveness.

    God bless you abundantly and all the best in this new year. XOXO

  2. The Word of God says "All things work for good for those who love God". Meaning even with our mistakes, failures or shortcomings, we are still benefitting.

    To your list, I can add Castor Semenya. Whom after being made worldwide spectacle, continues to run her race, still in front of the same public that ridiculed him, exerting herself to be the best with every opportunity.

    As we utter our plans to others we are not only raising our own bars, but we could along the way, be encouraging someone!

    Life is for the living... no minute is added to it by regretting. Things we regret today, if we were to be taken back to the same day we did them wrong, we will still do the same, for then we didn't know what we know now!Life goes on!
