Last week Monday after battling with an issue for years I
woke and I realize that just like the Israelite on Deutoronomy 1:6 I had
stayed long enough in this mountain. I decided to step outside my comfort zone
and walk away from a comfortable yet purposeless situation. Staying in this
situation looked so normal but yet every single day of being in it was like
cancer just like the woman with an issue of blood I decided to press through
the crowd and touch the hem of Jesus garment. I have no idea what the future
hold but I know who holds the future and I can attest to Rosa Parks’ words when
one ‘s mind is made up it diminishes fear. The only true freedom we have is the
freedom to choose. I have always been afraid of rejection, it has always
stopped in my tracks, the thought always paralyzed me, but in one week I have
found myself doing things that I thought I was never capable of doing, reaching
out to strangers and asking for help, favors from friends without the fear of
being rejected or ridiculed. I now know that there has to be a time when a
person does more than just pray but step out and be prepared to walk in the
water, we must stand in front of the raging red sea and trust that it will not
swallow us but God will part it for us. I learned that talking about my
misfortune and listening to why I ended up in the path that I am following will
not change my situation; I need to make a decision to either live in it or
change my course. I am not fearless I am courageous I can say that because as I
look back just this week and realize how many doors I have knocked on I cannot
help but be proud of myself. The truth
is we are stronger and wiser than we think; we just need to press through the
crowd of negative voices, skeptical voices, doubt, fear, rejection, past failure,
anger, frustration, self-loathing, victim mentality and reach for our dream,
make a change and move forward.
They say we are what we put our minds on. If you are always fearful fear will rule your life, but if you expect to succeed success is is never to late to go after your dreams. This weekend I was so humbled to attend a function of a great men of God who started school at the age of 14. I am saying this to encourage you to look beyong what might have hold you back in past and continue to focus on chasing your dreams.